Binære Options Kritikk

Binary Options. The Complete Guide. Learn om verden av binære alternativer Skulle du delta i denne handelsaktiviteten, og hvis du gjør det, hvordan vil du styre bort fra binære alternativer svindel, og fokusere på pålitelige leverandører, selv om vår kompetanse er innenfor forex trading og Valutaveksling i motsetning til dedikerte nettsteder som denne følte vi at dette domenet er for viktig for å bli avdekket. Hva er binære alternativer. Og hvorfor er de ansett så risikable. En binær alternativ er en type alternativ der utbetalingen er noe fast beløp eller ingenting For eksempel et 100 alternativ med 75 utbetaling, vil utbetale 175 hvis handelsmannen vinner og ingenting hvis handelsmannen gjør feil anrop Når du kjøper et binært alternativ, blir den potensielle avkastningen oppgitt før handelen er åpnet. Det er mulig å tilby binære alternativer for nesten Eventuelle omsettelige finansielle produkter Binære alternativer tillater også at en næringsdrivende går enten lenge eller kort, for å ta en lang stilling som en næringsdrivende kjøper et anropsalternativ og å gå kort en handelsmann kjøper et puteringsalternativ. Binære alternativer er tilgjengelige ble som både et børshandlet produkt og som ikke-børsnotert produkt utenom valutamarkedet. Amerikanske beboere har kun lov til å handle Binary Options gjennom amerikanske regulerte børser. I Europa har ikke-børsnoterte binære alternativer blitt svært populære siden en rekke online plattformer begynte å introdusere dem tilbake i 2008 I denne artikkelen skal vi se på både børsnoterte og ikke-børsnoterte binære alternativer. Ikke-børsnoterte binære alternativer. Ikke-børsnoterte binære alternativer har vært tilgjengelige over-the-counter i lang tid Tradisjonelt ikke-børshandlede Binære alternativer ble ansett som et eksotisk instrument, på grunn av det faktum at det ikke var markedsplass for handel disse alternativene Binære alternativer ble bare vanligvis funnet innenfor kompliserte opsjonsavtaler. Alt dette begynte å endres når I 2008 begynte en rekke online plattformer å tilby en forenklet versjon av børshandlede alternativer. Det var ikke lenge før industrien tok av og det anslås at det er ar e over 100 forskjellige plattformer som tilbyr denne typen binære alternativer trading. Non-exchange traded Binære alternativer har kommet inn for mye kritikk, en del av denne kritikken skyldes måten plattformene tjener pengene sine på. Platformene belaster ikke brukerne eventuelle avgifter eller provisjoner, men heller gjøre pengene sine som motpart til klientstillinger. Oddsen er derfor skjevt i plattformens favør, for en næringsdrivende skal tjene penger, må de forutsi prisbevegelsen riktig minst 55 av tiden. For Eksempel vår handelsmann som heter John mener USD JPY vil lukke over 100 på slutten av dagen. Så John kjøper deretter et 100 Call UP-alternativ fra plattformen med en fast avkastning på 70 Hvis USD JPY er over hundre på slutten av dag, John mottar totalt 170 Hvis USD JPY lukker under 100, vil vår forhandler ikke motta noe. Det skal være klart at i dette tilfellet er oddsen skrått i leverandørens favør. Forutsatt at hver hendelse var like sannsynlig, ville en rettferdig avkastning for alternativet ville ha vært 100 I denne situasjonen vil John måtte være korrekt rundt 60 år for å skape fortjeneste, noe som gir leverandøren en klar kant. Inntil nylig ikke-børsnoterte binære alternativer var i stor grad uregulert på grunn av at produktet faller inn i klassifiserende grå område Mange tilsynsorganer var usikre på om produktet skulle reguleres som et spillformidling eller som et finansielt produkt, slik det ble fastsatt av MiFID. I mai 2012 annonserte CySEC Kypros regulator at de ville begynne å regulere produktet som et finansielt instrument. CySEC den første MiFID-regulatoren til å anerkjenne binære alternativer som et finansielt produkt I 2013 fulgte Malta s Financial Services Authority til å ta over lovlig ansvar fra landene Lottery and Gaming-kommisjonen Det er fortsatt å se om andre land vil begynne å regulere binære alternativer. Mange anser Ikke-børsnoterte Binære alternativer for å være en form for gambling, da leverandøren har en klar fordel over sin kl ients Dette følelsen ble echoed av Gordon Pape i en sterkt formulert artikkel om emnet for binære alternativer. Byttehandel med binære alternativer. Exchange-handlet Binære alternativer kom først på scenen tilbake i 2007 da Options Clearing Corporation foreslo en regelendring for å tillate børshandel Binære alternativer Med SEC godkjente binære alternativer for kontanter eller ingenting igjen i 2008, fikk dette virkelig ballen rullende, og nå er det mulig å bytte utbyttehandlet Binære alternativer gjennom en rekke regulerte børser, inkludert CBOE, AMEX og nå NADEX av IG, en av våre anbefalte ECN Brokers amerikanske finansregulering forhindrer avveksling alternativ handel og dermed amerikanske borgere kan bare handle binære alternativer via en regulert amerikanske exchange. Contracts Cost. Exchange handlet Binære alternativer er litt mer komplisert enn deres ikke-børsnoterte fettere Vår handelsmann mener igjen at USD JPY vil lukke over 100 på slutten av dagen. Han går deretter og kjøper ti kontanter eller ingenting for 40 stykker, koster ham totalt 400 Skulle USD JPY være nær 100, vil han motta totalt 1000, hvorav totalt 600 vil være profitt 10 x 100 kontrakter 40 x 10 kontrakter Hvis USD JPY ikke hadde lukket over 100 ville John ha mistet totalt 400 40 x 10 kontrakter. De av dere som fulgte vårt eksempelhandel ovenfor, har lagt merke til at børshandlede binære alternativer er priset forskjellig. I stedet for at alternativet har en fast prosentvis utbetaling, har hver kontrakt en fast utbetaling med prisen på kontrakten endres basert på hva handelsmenn er villige til å betale Så hvis en standard 100 kontrakt koster 40, mener markedet at sannsynligheten for at den aktuelle hendelsen skal være rundt 40. I motsetning til ikke-bytte binære alternativer, virker utvekslingen som en motpart, men belaster handelsmenn en kommisjon for å bruke utvekslingen. Denne mer kompliserte prismodellen er den virkelige styrken av børshandlede binære alternativer, da det tillater handelsmenn å benytte opsjonsprisemodeller for å beregne om en Alternativet er over eller underpriced og handler dermed. Ulike prismodeller har blitt tilpasset for å imøtekomme valutamarkedet binære alternativer, idet det er mulig å bruke velkjente prismodeller for å beregne teoretisk verdi av en binær opsjonskontrakt. Eksempelvis finnes regneark som tillater handelsmenn å beregne den teoretiske verdien av binære opsjonskontrakter ved hjelp av den beryktede Black-Scholes-modellen. Således er valutamarkedet binære alternativer en langt overlegen mulighet. Ikke-børsnoterte binære alternativer er skjeve tungt i leverandørens fordel og sammenligninger med fast odds-spill er ikke urettferdige, skjønt Det ser ut til at en rekke europeiske tilsynsmyndigheter har bestemt at slike opsjoner egentlig er en type finansielt instrument. Børsnoterte binære alternativer har fått mye mindre oppmerksomhet, delvis på grunn av at de er et mer komplisert instrument og delvis fordi de havner Jeg har vært så aggressivt annonsert. Jeg vil hevde at børshandlede binære alternativer er ac tually et langt overlegen produkt med stort potensial for de som er interessert i opsjoner trading. Binary Options Trading Risk og Intro. Can du tjene penger med binære alternativer. Binære alternativer har blitt et veldig populært instrument på nettet med mange binære alternativer plattformer dukker opp overalt Mange nye handelsmenn tiltrekkes av de høye potensielle avkastningene som disse enkle finansielle instrumentene tilbyr, men mange kritiske av binære opsjoner har merket at oddsen ser ut til å være sterkt stablet til fordel for leverandøren. I dag skal vi undersøke om oddsene er urettferdig stablet i favoriserer alternativleverandørene. Når du inngår en binær opsjonskontrakt, kan du enten plassere eller ringe, dette gir deg to alternativer Hvis man skulle anta at markedet var like sannsynlig å gå på en eller annen måte, ville den rimelige avkastningen være 100 Denne situasjonen vil ikke gi hverandre en klar fordel, og partiet som kom ut vinneren i det lange løp ville bare være heldig. Handel med binær Alternativene adskiller seg fra denne hypotetiske situasjonen i to viktige forhold. Binære alternativleverandører gir vanligvis avkastning vesentlig lavere enn 100. Markeder har en tendens til å utvikle seg i en bestemt retning, noe som betyr at markedet ikke er like sannsynlig å gå heller. Med disse to avgjørende forskjellene i respekt blir mye vanskeligere å avgjøre om binære alternativer som typisk priset gir en næringsdrivende et rettferdig skudd på seier i det lange løp. Typisk kortvarige binære alternativer gir en avkastning på rundt 70, noe som betyr at man skal ha nøytral forventet verdi en handelsmann ville måtte forutsi markedet nøyaktig rundt 58-60 av tiden. Dette betyr at en handelsmann måtte forutsi prisbevegelse med 58-60 nøyaktighet bare for ikke å miste penger. Hvis enten resultatet var like sannsynlig, er det klart at trader ville få en rå avtale, og vi kunne forvente at han til slutt skulle miste alle sine penger til Binary Options brokerage. Det ser imidlertid ut som at binære alternativer kan være pro gjensidig for de som kunne forutsi markedet med en 60 grad av nøyaktighet Det bør påpekes at ikke mange handelssystemer kan sørge for langsiktige prisforutsigelser med den slags nøyaktighet, mange tradisjonelle handelssystemer er mye mindre pålitelige, men overvinne deres upålitelige gjennom riktig risikostyring For eksempel kan mange Forex-systemer være lønnsomme, men bare riktig forutsi markedsaktivitet 30 av tiden. Som en avtale med fast avkastning Binære alternativer, kan du ikke tillate denne typen risikostyring Hvis du bare var i stand til å forutsi prisbevegelsen til en 30 grad av nøyaktighet, ville du være en betydelig loserhandel. Binære alternativer I MonteCarlo-simuleringen kjørte jeg over det tok 22 bransjer for å bytte handelsmannen. Binære alternativer ser ut til å ha potensialet til å være lønnsomt for de som kan forutsi markeder med svært høy grad av nøyaktighet. Enhver som på en pålitelig måte kan forutsi markedsprisaksjon med en grad av nøyaktighet på over 60, kan forvente å få ea fortjeneste fra handel Binære alternativer Men antall folkesystemer som vil kunne nøyaktig bestemme prisbevegelsen med en slik grad av nøyaktighet, er sannsynligvis ekstremt begrenset. Jeg tror også at statistisk varianse kan potensielt føre til at mange tror at de har bestemt seg for en svært nøyaktig måte å ringe til markedene, før de skjønner at de faktisk bare har hatt en langvarig heldig runde. Som binære opsjoner meglerforetak fungerer som en motpart til en næringsdrivende, og det er ingen måte å sikre posisjoner, det er ikke overraskende at produktet er oppsett på en slik måte at det er lite sannsynlig for enkelte forhandlere å slå leverandøren i det lange løp. Mens jeg ikke ville gå så langt som å nekte at enkelte individer vil kunne tjene penger på handel med binære alternativer, vil jeg sterkt anbefale at enkeltpersoner tar seriøst ser på om de virkelig kan forutsi markedsprisaksjoner med så høy grad av nøyaktighet. Hvis så, kan du bare ha et skikkelig skudd for å tjene penger på Binær Options trading. Binary Options Brokers eller er det Scam. We kan ikke konkludere med at binære alternativer i seg selv er svindel Definitivt ikke Nadex av IG som er en binær utveksling også regulert av USAs myndigheter, og muligheten er det andre gode binære alternativer meglere ut der Problemet er at vi har problemer med å finne dem. Det er Forex meglere som også tilbyr binære alternativer på toppen, men de fleste er ikke godt rangert på denne nettsiden, for eksempel Vantage FX og 24FX. De eneste gode selskapene vi kan anbefale som har gått ut tester på denne nettsiden er.3 ZuluTrade som er en sosial handelsplattform som gjør at du kan registrere deg for gyldige meglere. Vi er på utkikk etter flere pålitelige binære alternativer nettsteder, og vi skal legge til flere selskaper til dette snart . Binær alternativer Historikk Hvordan kom trenden fram. Siden introduksjonen tilbake i 2008 har binære alternativer steget raskt til fremtredende og markedsføres ofte som den enkleste måten for gjennomsnittlig joe å trappe de finansielle markedene Denne økningen av prominens er sannsynligvis ned til noen forskjellige faktorer. For det første har Binary Options-bransjen fullt ut omfavnet den tilknyttede markedsføringsmodellen, og har tilbudt de som er villige til å markedsføre sine tjenester, kjekke belønninger. For det andre appellerer Binary Options til en ny demografisk se tradisjonell Forex eller Aksjehandel som for komplisert, men likevel vil ha en måte å tjene penger på fra handel i finansmarkedet. Det er ganske mye forvirring rundt binære alternativer, dette skyldes delvis at det eksisterer begge binære alternativer som tilbys av online plattformer som Banc De Binary, og det er Exchange-versjoner som tilbys av Nadex. Denne artikkelen kommer til å fokusere på binære alternativer som tilbys av nettbaserte plattformer som Banc De Binary, GTOptions og 24 Options Før introduksjonen av disse plattformene, Binary Alternativer ble sett på som eksotisk instrument på grunn av det faktum at det ikke var noe marked for handel med disse over diskinstrumentene. Det var vanlig t Å finne disse alternativene innebygd i en opsjonsavtale, og disse alternativene ble vanligvis bare kjøpt av ekstremt sofistikerte kjøpere. Det var ikke før 2008 at binære alternativer ble mer fast etablert i den offentlige psyken, med en rekke nettbaserte nettplattformer som tilbyr evnen til å handle binær Alternativer De binære alternativene som tilbys av disse plattformene var i det vesentlige bare en forenklet versjon av tradisjonelle børshandlede binærer. Antall plattformer som opereres raskt, spredes med det å estimeres at ved tidlig i 2012 var det over 90 av disse slike plattformene som fungerte. Del av grunnen til at industrien vokste med en så forbausende hastighet var at produktet var skjevt tungt i husene, med Binary Options som et svært lønnsomt instrument å tilby. Topplister Related. CySEC kunngjør 12 nye lisensierte firmaer. Cyperns innenlandske finansielle regulator CySEC har gitt ut en liste som annonserer bedriftene som har fått CySEC-lisens mellom juni og september i år I løpet av denne perioden har totalt 12 bedrifter fått lisenser, hvor de fleste av disse selskapene er Binary Option-meglere. I løpet av de første månedene av 2013 har i alt 17 firmaer fått nye CySEC-lisenser, og denne nylige kunngjøringen viser at øya Kypros er fortsatt et populært reisemål for både Forex og Binary Option meglerhandel. De bemerkelsesverdige nye lisensierne inkluderer. YTF Trade Limited. Rodeler Limited Binær Options firma som for tiden handler som ZoneOptions. FT Traderworld Ltd Binary Options merkevare som for øyeblikket handler som TraderWorld. Cbay Financial Services Ltd Selskapet bak det velkjente Binary Options-merket 24Options. Trendoks Ltd Multi-platform Forex megling som tilbyr cTrader, MT4 5 samt Margin Pro. TBSF Best Strategy Finance Limited Selskapet bak det kjente Binary Options-merke Cedar Finance. BO Tradefinancials Ltd Binary Options megler opererer under handelsnavnet OptionFair. Binary Options Regulation Kypros og Malta. Cyprus og Malta er for øyeblikket de eneste to EU-landene til å regulere utveksling av binære opsjoner, til tross for at europeiske kommisjonens oppfatning at bytte-binære opsjoner er et finansielt instrument og dermed faller under MiFID. Nylige europeiske land har begynt å knekke ned på driften av uregulerte binære alternativer firmaer med italienske domstoler IP blokkerer en rekke bedrifter, har disse trekkene ført til økende antall firmaer som ønsker å bli regulert i EU. I 2012 ble CySEC den første regulatoren for å overvåke binære alternativer og har blitt hoveddestinasjonen for binærvalg meglere som ønsker å bli regulert Kypros har blitt det populære målet for finansielle tjenester firmaer på grunn av landets medlemskap i EU og den gunstige skattesituasjonen Denne siste kunngjøringen fra CySEC viser at øya trolig vil forbli et av de mest populære reisemålene for begge Forex og Binary Options meglerhandel. Mer nylig Malta s MFSA fulgte ledet av CySEC og ble den andre EU-regulator for å klassifisere utveksling av binære opsjoner som et finansielt instrument. Før denne beslutningen ble regulering av binære opsjonsfirmaer overvåket av landene Lottery and Gaming Commission, men Binary Option-bedrifter har vært langt mer opptatt av Kypros som en operasjonell base, med firmaer som synes å være motvillige til å basere sin virksomhet i Malta. Hvor andre europeiske regulatorer bestemmer seg for å følge med og bestemmer seg for å regulere binære opsjoner gjenstår å bli sett. Techfinancials lanserer Forex og binær Options platform. Techfinanicals en av de ledende leverandører av binær og eksotisk opsjonsteknologi som gir teknologien som driver kjente binære optionsplattformer, inkludert 24Options og andre. Har nettopp kommet ut med en kunngjøring om lanseringen av alt i en Forex og Binær Options-plattform. Den nye plattformen drevet av Techfinancials vil gi Binary Option meglerhus muligheten til å tilby tradisjonelle Forex trading sammen med sine allerede etablerte binære alternativer som tilbys Ifølge representanter fra Techfinancials vil denne nye utviklingen bli lansert sammen med en omfattende portefølje av overlegne designoppsett og skinn som kan brukes til å imøtekomme hver enkelt operatørs individuelle smak - og målmarkedet. Selvfølgelig er de på Techfinancials veldig glade for deres nye tilbud som vil mange av sine kunder, da det vil gi dem muligheten til å øke brukerverdien et slikt tilbud er også sannsynlig å øke kunden oppbevaring med konsernsjef for techfinancials sier. Den nye Forex-tillegget til vår plattform var spesielt utviklet for å tillate binære handelsfolk en jevn og enkel overgang fra binær til forex gjennom en enhetlig opplevelse med et intuitivt og brukervennlig grensesnitt Eyal Rosenblum. Det ser ut til at mange tror det er en naturlig progresjon fra binær Alternativer til Forex trading, med klienter til slutt gjøre flyttingen fra handel med binære alternativer til trading OTC Forex Innføringen av en innebygd Forex plattform tillater disse binære Options meglerhusene å fange disse klientene Forex trading virksomhet også og slikt en alt i ett plattform ser ut til å gi meglerhandel med et sterkt salgsargument. Mens det allerede finnes integrerte Forex og binære alternativløsninger, for eksempel IG Groups-tilbud og en rekke MT4-plugins som gjør det mulig for Forex meglere å tilby binære alternativer. Lanseringen av Techfinancials fører dem til å bli den første Binary Options-teknologileverandøren tilbyr alt i en løsning Mange forventer nå en sterk trend å e fusjonere med binary options leverandører clamoring å tilby Forex og mer trading produkter til sine kunder. i utgangspunktet var det tenkt at trenden ville kjøre den andre veien med Forex meglere tilbyr sin egen binær options-plattform mens dette har vært delvis sant, for eksempel SafeCap investeringer lanserte sin egen Binær Options-merke TopOption Den forventede veksten av Forex meglerhus som tilbyr binære alternativer, er aldri helt materialisert. Med noen av de ledende binære alternativleverandørene som vokser med en anstendig sats, ser det ut til at Binary Options-leverandører er klare til å begynne å konkurrere direkte med den allerede etablerte Forex brokerages. Banc De Binary reagerer på amerikanske handlinger. Det har vært en måned siden det ble annonsert at Banc De Binary, var på mottakssiden av rettssaker fra både CTFC og SEC for angivelig å henvende amerikanske kunder i USA av - exchange opsjonshandel er ulovlig, med bare regulerte børser å kunne tilby alternativer til kunder Hvis Banc De Binary hadde faktisk engasjert seg i innkalling av amerikanske statsborgere, det er klart at firmaet ville ha stått i strid med amerikansk regulering. Banc De Binary har vært helt stille i saken til nå. Selskapsadministrerende direktør Oren Laurent, ga i dag uttalelse til ForexMagnates for å klargjøre selskapets stilling i saken Nettstedet rapporterer at ifølge uttalelsen utgitt av firmaet, Banc De Binary avsluttes all forretningsvirksomhet i USA for seg selv og videre sier at både CTFC og SEC har bekreftet at Banc De Binary ikke er i stand til å tilby sine produkter til amerikanske statsborgere uten den relevante finansreguleringen For å få lov til å operere i USA, må transaksjoner utføres via en bytte. Oppsigelsen fortsatte å si at firmaet er for tiden i forhandlinger med begge regulatorene, men tyder klart på at firmaet ikke vil annonsere for eller ta på seg amerikanske kunder for øyeblikket. Erklæringen er ganske inter Estingly gjør ingen omtale av gjeldende regulatoriske søksmål mot firmaet. Firmaet søker å opphøre amerikanske handelsregnskap og returnere midler til fulle kunder, minus uoppfylte bonuser. Det er interessant at uttalelsen utgitt av firmaet ikke gir noen uttalelse om dagens pågående amerikanske søksmål CTFCs undersøkelse sier at Banc De Binary tillot amerikanske borgere å handle på sin plattform fra mai 2011 til mars 2013. Det vil derfor være interessant å se om de pågående diskusjonene med de amerikanske myndighetene vil være nok til å appease amerikanske myndigheter og føre til tilbaketrekning av de ovennevnte rettssaker eller mindre straffer. Det har blitt spekulert at en rekke leverandører av binærutstyr-plattformer jobber på en egen plattform for den amerikanske markedet. Disse plattformene vil inneholde integrert integrasjon, og det har blitt rapportert at et nummer av bedrifter er i forhandlinger med amerikanske regulatorer om en slik bro Denne løsningen vil føre til bin ary handel blir plassert gjennom en regulert utveksling, i stedet for som et spill mot en bedrift risikostyringsavdeling Enten en løsning er funnet gjenstår å se, med NADEX for tiden å være den eneste børsen for å tilby binære alternativer i USA. CTFC-filer sivilrett mot Banc de Binary. CySEC regulert Banc de Binary har vært på mottakersiden av en sivilrett lansert av CTFC. The Commodities Futures Commission har påstått at Banc de Binary hadde handlet i strid med amerikansk regulering ved å tillate amerikanske handelsmenn å handle gjennom deres binære alternativer plattform I den drakten som ble arkivert i Nevada, påstår CTFC at fra mai 2011 til mars 2013 fikk Banc De Binary amerikanske kunder til å handle alternativprodukter. Det er velkjent at amerikansk regulering forbyder handel med off-exchange-alternativer, noe som fører til økningen av utvekslinger som Nadex som tillater regulert handel med binære opsjoner. CTFC har videre påstått at Banc de Binary også unnlot å begrense tilbudsalternativene til å kvalifisere ivrige markedsdeltakere Dette innebærer i hovedsak at Banc de Binary ikke har samlet inn noen opplysninger i forhold til kundens nettovinst og handelserfaring. Dette er igjen påkrevd av amerikanske forskrifter som et kundesikkerhetsmål. Det ser også ut til at CTFC også tok opp med Banc de Binær notering av Wall Street-kontoret på deres nettside, noe som igjen er noe de amerikanske regulatorene tar en svak utsikt over. Banc de Binary er ikke den første europeiske regulerte enheten som har vært i CTFCs fyringslinje, mens 2012 ser 25 Forex meglere å få i trøbbel for å oppfordre amerikanske kunder Ikke alle de 25 selskapene som er oppført på CTFCs liste tilbake i 2012, fikk en bot med en rekke meglerforbindelser som kunne unngå enhver form for pengefinansiering. Det ser imidlertid ut til at dette ikke vil være tilfelle i denne spesielle eksempel med CTFC søker restitution, disgorgement og oppsigelse samt påbud for å hindre Banc de Binary fra å operere i USA. Det ser ut som at CTFC ønsker å gå f videre enn med meglingene som ble bøtelagt i fjor, med at det fremgår at CTFC også vil gi en stor bot, og sikre at overskuddet blir gjort ved å godta amerikanske kunder. CTFC anerkjente CySEC og FCA for å bistå i undersøkelsen hvis hevdet går mot Banc de Binary, vil det være interessant å se om de europeiske regulatorene vil samarbeide med CTFC og håndheve hvilke straff som er vurdert av de amerikanske myndighetene. Først CTFC, nå går SEC etter Banc de Binary . Vi har nylig postet hvordan CTFC var å påta sivile tiltak mot kjente Binary Options brokerage Banc de Binary, for hva de mener å være en rekke lovbrudd begått av firmaet. Nå er SEC Securities and Exchange Commission som har ansvar for å regulere og overvåke handelsaktivitet på amerikanske baserte børser, har fulgt etter ved å utgi en ytterligere advarsel til investorer om hva den mener å være risikofaktoren ed med slike utveksling binære produkter samtidig som den annonserte sin intensjon om å retsforfølge Banc de Binary for de samme overtredelsene som påstått av CTFC i sin nigerianske sivilrett. ifølge SEC s klage mot banc de binary, selskapet begynte å tilby utveksling Binære produkter til amerikanske kunder i 2010 Med Banc de Binary påstås det at amerikanske kunder oppretter kontoer hos firmaet og legger inn penger i disse kontoene, for å kunne bytte alternativer som bryter mot amerikansk lovgivende lov. De la til at Banc De Binary s solicitation av amerikanske kunder var ganske vellykkede og tiltrukket en rekke kunder med svært begrensede midler. Siterte en investor som hadde en månedlig inntekt på bare 300 og en nettoverdi mindre enn 25.000, og en annen kunde som ble oppfordret til å sette inn flere midler til kontoen selv etterpå han hadde informert Banc de Binary om at han var arbeidsløs med mindre enn 1.000 i hans kontrollkonto. Dette er igjen i strid med amerikansk regulering som krever firmaer tilbyr kun opsjonsinstrumenter til kunder som regner som kvalifiserte markedsdeltakere. I tillegg til rettssaken, utgitt SEC også en pressemelding som varsler amerikanske kunder risikoen for å deponere penger med utenlandsk baserte binære firmaer som sier at. Investorer bør være oppmerksomme på mulighetene for svindel på dette området, samt om at de kan miste hele investeringen, sier Lori Schock, direktør for SECs kontor for investorundervisning og advokatfirma. Vi oppfordrer sterkt investorer til å kontrollere bakgrunnen for meglere og rådgivere og handelsplattformer før du bestemmer deg for å investere Hvis investorer ikke kan få enkel bakgrunnsinformasjon, for eksempel om den finansielle profesjonelle er registrert hos SEC eller FINRA, bør de være ekstremt forsiktige Source. The SEC søker disgorgement pluss fordomsinteresse , økonomiske straffer og andre foreløpige og permanente pålegg mot CySEC-regulert Banc de Binary Hvis SEC er vellykket, betyr dette at Banc de Binary sannsynligvis vil bli utsatt for store bøter og kan bli tvunget til å overlevere fortjeneste fra anmodning fra amerikanske kunder . Det er helt lovlig å handle binære alternativer i Amerika, forutsatt at handel skjer gjennom en regulert utveksling som NADEX North American Derivatives Exchange som eies av IG Group. Malta s MSFA for å regulere Binary Options. Malta s Financial Services Authority, har i dag kunngjort at de skal kategorisere binære alternativer som et finansielt instrument i samsvar med EUs s Direktør for markeder i finansielle instrumenter MiFID Maltas finansielle tilsynsmyndigheter er ikke den første europeiske regulator for å anerkjenne binære opsjoner som et finansielt instrument, med CySEC iverksatt tiltak for å regulere instrumentet tilbake i 2012. Andre globale regulatorer har også iverksatt tiltak med hensyn til binære alternativer, nylig tok den japanske FSA tøffe tiltak for å regulere binære alternativer Binære optionsplattformsleverandører har vært raske til å svare og har begynt å gi japanske klageversjoner av handelsplatformene. Det ser ut til at det er klart at globale regulatorer tar tiltak for å regulere denne form for finansiell handel og Maltas kunngjøring er et annet skritt i den retningen. I dag er det kunngjøringen bundet av Malta's Financial Services Authority, var binære alternativleverandører i stand til å være regulering som en spillleverandør av Malta s Lottery and Gaming Authority En rekke binære alternativleverandører, inkludert OneTwoTrade tok denne ruten. Denne kunngjøringen ser slutten av dette arrangementet med ansvar overføres bort fra landets spillmyndighet. Binary Option meglere vil bli pålagt å få et lisens for kategori 3 investeringstjenester, med alle Binary Options-meglerhusene vil bli underlagt minimumskapitalkravet på 730 000 euro som beskrevet under MiFID. i jurisdiksjonen vil bli gjenstand for og utenfor stedet-compliance. Whether meglerforetak som søkte spillregulering bestemmer seg for å bli i jurisdiksjonen, er fortsatt å se, med mange meglerforetak som velger jurisdiksjonen på grunn av de reduserte kostnadene forbundet med å skaffe et spillelisens. Med Kapitalkravene som MiFID angir, er en stor hindring for oppføring for mange binære alternativer Companies. CySEC s flytter for å regulere Binære alternativer tilbake i 2012 så flere firmaer som søkte på et CySEC-lisens. Med Malta som den andre europeiske jurisdiksjonen for å regulere bransjen, synes en slik økning i regulatoriske applikasjoner usannsynlig. Om andre europeiske regulatorer følger etter, er det fortsatt å være sett. TDOptions bøtelagt 50,000.Binary Options brokerage TDOptions handelsnavnet til TDO Consulting Ltd har blitt bøtelagt totalt 50.000 av CySEC for å tilby investeringstjenester fra Kypros uten å ha det nødvendige investeringsselskapet lisens som kreves av kypriotisk lov Kunngjøringen på CySEC nettsiden foreslo at TDO Consulting hadde tilbudt investeringstjenester fra Kypros frem til 3. desember. Bak i mai 2012 ble CySEC den første EU-regulator for å begynne å regulere counter-the-counter Binary Option-produkter Alle binærvalgsleverandører som opererer fra Kypros var da kreves å søke om lisens i de foregående fem månedene eller møte potensiell handling etter regelverket tors Jeg tror at TDOptions er det første binære opsjonsfirmaet som har blitt bøtelagt på en slik måte siden kunngjøringen av regulatoriske endringene i mai 2012. Cyprus har siden blitt en magnet for finansielle tjenester som er tiltrukket av de lave satsene på selskap skatt og verktøyet for finansielle tjenester talent plassert på øya Opptil mai 2012 kunngjøringen om kunngjøringen av Binary Options regulering, hadde Kypros blitt nummer én destinasjon for de som kjører binære opsjonsplattformer Siden regulatoriske endringer flyttet en rekke plattformer deres operasjoner fra øya, men Kypros kan skryte av en rekke regulerte binærvalg-merker, inkludert en ikke begrenset til TopOption, Banc de Binary og SpotOption, den største hvite etikettleverandøren av binære alternativer. Det vil være interessant å se om CySEC tar videre tiltak mot binær Alternativplattformer som opererer fra Island etter fristen for lisensprogrammer Binærvalg regu lation is a relatively new thing and it will be interesting to see how the landscape develops and whether any other European regulators begin to follow the suit of CySEC. Recently, CySEC regulated Banc de Binary was sanctioned by US regulatory authorities for operating in the United States without the proper authorization With it being reported that other Binary Option providers were also operating within the United States, it will be interesting to see whether the US regulators take any further action against other firms In any case expect to hear more developments in regards to Binary Options regulations. iOption has shutdown. For the past few hours there have been numerous rumors regarding the future of CySEC regulated Binary Options brokerage iOption According to reports in certain media outlets the firm has let go off its entire operating staff and is now closed for business These reports seem to have been confirmed by those who have business relationships with the Binary Options bro kerage with Forex affiliate network FXPN getting into contact with its affiliates and informing them that the firm is indeed ceasing to operate. iOption is thought to be one of the largest Binary Options brands and had recently acquired a full CySEC licence allowing the firm to operate across countries in the European Economic Area, so to many that this will come as quite a surprise There is currently no clear indication regarding why the firm is ceasing operations but some sources have stated that employees have not been paid since the beginning of October. For those who have accounts with the firm the future seems rather uncertain, with the brokerage making no indication regarding what will happen to funds deposited into client accounts The situation is particularly precarious as iOption only recently gained a CySEC licence and it remains clear whether client funds will be protected by the countries Investors Compensation Scheme Only as the situation develops will we begin to understan d how the shutdown of iOption will affect the firms existing clients. For those involved in the Binary Options, the shutdown of iOption is unlikely to be taken as a positive sign, with many already holding a poor opinion regarding Binary Options as product In the last couple of years the industry has begun to clean up its image, with CySEC and Malta s MSFA recently making moves to regulate the product as a financial instrument The news that a major Binary Options firm has shut down is likely to further ingrain the products image problem. Since 2008, the Binary Options industry has enjoyed incredible growth with a huge number of brokerages opening up shop to cater to those interested in the easy to use financial product The fact that iOption has ceased trading might be an indication that the industry is reaching maturity and it wouldn t surprise me if more Brokerages begun to shut up shop, as the huge expansion in the number of brokerages offering the product has never seen sustainable. Ch eck back for updates regarding the iOption situation. Binary Options Broker EZTrader regains CySEC License. An announcement made on CySEC s official website has confirmed that WGM Services Ltd has regained their CIF License WGM Services Ltd, is best known for operating the relatively high profile Binary Options brand EZTrader The company also operates a number of less well known brands including EZInvest, and which specifically targets the Chinese market The decision to restore EZTrader s CySEC license was made during the regulators meeting on the 22nd of December. The decision highlighted the fact that the broker was now in fully compliant with CIF Cypriot Investment Firm regulations In an announcement made on the 20th of November 2014, the regulator had announced that WGM Services license had been suspended, due suspected breaches violations of Cypriot security laws The three alleged violations were in regard the safeguarding of client funds, the capital adequacy of the firm and the CIF s large exposure No specifics were given regarding the withdrawal of the license and meant that the firm could not provide any investment services as pursuant to Cypriot Securities Law and was forced to close all client positions and return all profits funds if the client wished At the time the Binary Options brokerage was given 15 days to comply with the decision. After a due diligence procedure was completed by WSM Services Ltd, the concerns originally raised by CySEC were fully addressed leading to the company regaining it s CIF License This meant the brands run by WSM Services could resume providing investment services as pursuant to the country s securities law. CySEC and Binary Options. Cypriot regulator CySEC made waves when in YEAR, it became the first European regulator to regulate non-exchange traded Binary Options as financial products This has led to the island becoming a hub for Binary Options brokerages who wish to gain a regulatory license which adds credibility to their b rand s and allows them to offer their services to those residing within the European Economic Area This is due to the fact that European law allows for investment services firms regulated in one European Economic Area jurisdiction to offer their services to those based anywhere else within the economic area. CySEC has recieved a fair bit of critcism for it s decision to regulate Binary Options, as a financial product with many seeing the product more akin to fixed odds betting In fact in a number of jurisdictions around the world, Binary Options are seen as a form of gambling and are regulated accordingly Other European regulators have been slow to follow CySEC s president regarding Binary Options, with only Malta s MSFA following suit Cyprus still however remains the number one destination for Binary Option companies looking to gain regulatory approval and the extra credibility which comes with it. Our friends at the most respectable forex site in the world forex peace army have rated t his cmopany as 1 35 5 Be warned. These kinds of online Binary Options have been widely criticized, as it became clear that the products were generally skewed heavily in favor of the house Using Monte Carlo simulations it can be shown that in order to make a profit from Options which offer a 70 rate of return, one must accurately predict price movement with a 55 or greater degree of accuracy Being able to predict price movement with a 55 degree of accuracy is actually much more difficult than it sounds For instance many Forex systems only win around 30 of their trades but still manage to make significant profits by engaging in good risk management, essentially running with the profitable trades and cutting the losses short quickly Binary Options however require the trader to be able to predict price movement with a high degree of accuracy and while I m sure a limited number of individuals can predict price movement with such accuracy, I m sure its beyond many traders. Another problem rega rding Options as offered by these online platform providers, is that for the majority of their history they have operated completely unregulated Initially, a number of European financial regulators came out with statements saying that Binary Options were not under the remit of MiFID as they were strictly speaking not financial instruments CySEC who initially released such a statement became the first European regulatory authority to regulate Binary Options This led to White Label platform provider SpotOption to become the first company to be regulated on the basis of offering Binary Options Soon after SafeCap Investments Ltd who already held a full CySEC licence launched their TopOption platform Shortly followed by Banc De Binary who gained CySEC regulation in early 2013 However many firms still operate completely unregulated often operating from offshore centers such as Belize and British Virgin Islands This has left a sour taste in the mouths of some traders who have felt mistreated by some of the unregulated providers still operating in the market place In early 2013 the European Commission ruled that Binary Options did fall under the definition of a financial instrument as laid out by MiFID, meaning that Binary Option providers looking to operate within the European Union would be required to gain financial regulation However regulators have been slow to act and there are still plenty of Binary Option providers operating illegally within the European Union. Steps are being made to combat unregulated brokerages, a court ruling in Italy recently forced Italian ISP s to block a number of Binary Option websites who had been operating in Italy unregulated Previously in 2012 a number of Binary Option brokerages were blocked by Turkish ISP s on the basis of alleged criminal activities being undertaken by the firms It thus seems that something is finally being done about rogue operators within the Binary Options world, though questions still remain regarding whether is p roduct worth using with many feeling Binary Options are inferior to both Contracts for Difference and financial spread betsparing Gambling to Binary Options. Since they emerged on the trading scene back in 2008, over-the-counter Binary Options in the form offered by well known brands such as 24Options and Banc De Binary have received a lot of attention It wasn t quick until the negative press regarding these off exchange Binary Options providers began to mount up, with a number of rogue operators taking advantage of customers who had signed up to trade Binary Options also received a significant amount of criticism as a product with many stating that these so called Options were no more than fixed odd financial bets in disguise This criticism has been widespread with articles in major publications comparing Binary Options to gambling. Unlike with other forms of financial trading, Binary Option brokers can only turn a profit if the majority of those betting on a particular market lose Bina ry Option brokers price the Options using a formula which monitors the amount of money placed on a particular market and calculates odds which should see the brokerage turn a profit regardless of the outcome This model is very similar to the one used by traditional bookmakers when they take bets on sports When taking bets on a football game a bookmaker, will initially price the market in way in which they profit regardless of the outcome of the game If a lot of money is placed on one particular outcome the bookmaker adjusts the odds to partially cover their risk The business model used by Binary Option brokers is remarkably similar to the one used by traditional bookmakers and it is no surprise that Binary Options are often considered a form of gambling. Another reason why Binary Options are often considered a form of gambling is that the company offering these options, always prices the options in a way which gives them a distinct advantage Binary Option providers tend to offer returns of around 75 , which gives them a significant edge over their customers This means that customers have to correctly guess which way the market is going to move around 65 of the time in order to just break even While I m sure that there are some people that can overcome this significant disadvantage, the majority of people who try their at hand at Binary Options are going to come out losers. One other reason is commonly cited to why Binary Options should be considered a form of gambling The majority of Binary brokers primarily offer very short term Options, with many trades lasting no more than a minute Some have said that this makes even more difficult for those trading Binary Options as it can be extremely difficult to predict such short term price movements, this combined with the fact that the Binary Option broker having such a significant edge means it s unlikely for those trading Binaries to ever turn a profit. Binary Options Is It Trading. Some insist that Binary Options can be dif ferentiated from gambling and should be considered a form of financial trading For one it is the opinion of the European Commission that Binary Options are in-fact a financial instrument as defined in the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive Despite the opinion the European commission, only two European countries have classified Binary Options as being a financial instrument It is true that the decision by Cyprus and Malta to regulate the Binary industry did give the product more legitimacy in the eyes of many. Some also believe that Binary Options should not be considered a form of gambling, as it is possible for skilled Binary traders to beat brokers despite the latter s significant statistical advantage There also people that prey on the grand bonuses offered by Binary Options brokers, similarly to casino bonus hunters who abuse the large welcome bonus some casinos offer It certainly seems that some have been able to profit from Binary Options, but industry statistics suggests that average customer loses around 1,200 before giving up Binary trading Which strongly suggests that the average Binary trader comes out a significant loser, which isn t surprising considering the advantage which brokers posses. Binary Option brokers operate in a way similar to bookmakers, making profit only when the majority of their customers lose money This combined with the fact that Binary Option providers have a significant edge over their customers has led many to compare Binary trading with gambling Despite this some insist that Binary Options are not a form of gambling, but are instead a legitimate form of financial trading, however these arguments aren t particular convincing It does certainly seem that Binary Options are comparable to gambling in a significant number of ways and it is for this reason they have received a lot of criticism as trading instrumentparing Binary Options and Forex. Since their launch in 2008 off-exchange traded Binary options have grown massively in popularity, while the take up of their exchanged traded counterparts has been much slower The phenomenal growth of the Binary industry has been fuelled by aggressive marketing focusing on the ease of Binary Options trading and how traders can make impressive returns within the space of a minute Some have suggested that Binary options may slowly erode the dominance of Spot Forex trading. In this article we are going to take a look at some of the pros and cons of both Binary Options and Spot Forex as financial instruments. Easy to understand Binary Options are very easy to trade Traders simply find the instrument they want to trade and then make a decision regarding whether the price of the instrument is going to rise or fall over the selected time period. High Payouts Part of the recent growth of the Binary industry is that brokers aggressively advertise impressive returns often in excess of 70 Those trading Binary Options can potentially make a 70 return. Poorly regulated industry Currentl y only Malta and Cyprus regulate Binary Options as financial instruments While this is a start in the right direction many feel that Binary Options aren t really a financial instrument and should be categorised as a form gambling. Odds Stacked In the houses favour While a 70 return on an short term option may sound great when you drill down into it, the firm offering the option has the odds stacked in its favour Traders have to on average predict price movements with 60 degree of accuracy to simply breakeven Anyone with trading experience will tell you that this is extremely difficult. Firms Profit off client loses The interests of the firm aren t aligned with the customer As there is no market for the trading of these options firms can t hedge positions and only profit when the client loses This is not the case with Forex brokers that do not operate dealing desks, meaning that interest of the client and brokerage are perfectly aligned. Heavily Regulated Environment While there are still numerous brokerages that operate completely unregulated in many jurisdictions Spot Forex is heavily regulated In European Union Forex falls under the EU s MiFID legislation which ensures a minimum standard of financial regulation Those who do their research will be able to choose between a range of highly regulated and reputable brokerages. Client and Brokerage Interests Better Aligned True ECN and STP Brokerages profit from volume placed through the brokerage rather than from clients losing money This means STP and ECN brokerages ultimately want clients to profit to ensure they continue to receive trading volume Even Market Makers can profit from successful clients if they do everything correctly from a risk management and hedging point of view. Leverage Traders can take advantage of significant amounts of leverage This allows traders to take on much bigger positions than they would otherwise be able too This can help traders maximise potential profits though leverage can also work agai nst a traderplex compared to Binary Options Spot Forex trading is much more complicated and those new to financial trading will face a steep learning curve Pips, Lots and leverage will all be new to those who don t have prior knowledge of the Foreign exchange market This is a significant barrier to entry to many who want to simply make money from financial markets without taking the time to learn the ins and outs of trading. Many consider Binary Options as a poor product with some likening Binary trading to gambling This comparison is not unreasonable with Binary Option firms profiting from client losses in a similar way to how bookmakers profit from their clients This creates a clear conflict of interest as it is in the brokerages interest for clients to lose, combined with a lax regulatory environment has led to the industry gaining a bad reputation In my opinion, Spot Forex is a superior product and those who are interested in trading financial markets should certainly look into Fore x as one option Of course all forms of financial trading involve significant risk and individuals seek independent advice to determine whether trading is for them. Binary Options And Social Trading Potential Problems. Ever since the first FX social trading products were launched back in 2008, the growth of social trading has been extraordinary with a large number of products being launched to compete with industry pioneers such as eToro and ZuluTrade 2008 was also the year which saw the launch of non-exchange traded Binary Options, a controversial but highly popular new financial product The Binary Option industry has come a long way since 2008, with the product now being available via regulated providers in both Malta and Cyprus It is only recently, in 2014 that the Binary Options industry has started to look towards offering social trading products for those trading these non-exchange traded Binary Options Whether Binary Social Trading will gain anywhere near the same level of populari ty remains to be seen and their appears to a number of factors which preclude Binary Options being paired up successfully with social trading. While Binary Options are considered by many to be a financial product including CySEC and the MSFA they share a lot in common with fixed odd betting Traders are given two choices, whether an asset will rise in value or depreciate over a certain time frame Traders then choose an amount to stake on their decision with the opportunity to receive a fixed return should they correctly guess the price direction of the relevant asset This essentially means that the Binary Option brokerage loses should the trader win, and only profit if a trader loses money Overall, Binary brokers tend to be wildly profitable as the majority speculating using the instrument lose out and it s possible to change the odds to make more difficult for those who were successful to turn a profit in the long run. Social trading sees traders automatically copy the moves of the most successful traders, the idea being that even those without the necessary skills and ability will be able to profit from the financial markets It often doesn t work out like this with many users having a negative experience with social trading But many of the best signal providers on the larger social trading networks have acquired hundreds of live followers who automatically copy their trades This doesn t necessarily pose a problem when it comes to FX, as brokerages often turn a profit by widening the spread or charging commission which allows them to remain profitable even if their traders make money Binary Option providers however depend on traders losing in order to make a profit, so a large number of traders making the same successful trades presents a significant risk management problem. It is not immediately apparent how Binary Options providers can deal with this risk management problem without dramatically slashing the odds when a large number of traders start taking up similar positions This approach would simply significantly reduce the appeal of Binary Options whose appeal lies mainly in the high returns aggressively advertised to prospective traders. Despite these significant problems a number of social trading products have been developed which aim to bring social copy trading to the world of Binary Options. Social Copy Trading Products for Binary Options. Launched in 2008, ZuluTrade has become one of the leading copy trading venues online with over 30,000 signal providers offering their signals to those wishing to automatically trade the FX markets In 2014, ZuluTrade announced an exclusive partnership with SpotOption the leading provider of White Label Binary Option solutions This will allow ZuluTrade users to copy the trades of leading Binary signal providers and have these trades executed with any SpotOption powered Binary Broker which decides to integrate with the ZuluTrade platform At the time of writing, 12 Binary Options providers were offering integ ration with the ZuluTrade platform, representing a small percentage of providers using the SpotOption White Label Solution ForexMagnates covered the launch of the product, and commentators raised a number of questions regarding how risk would be adequately managed in order to prevent large broker loses There has been no official answer regarding this particular question, which means it still remains to be seen how option providers will manage their risks in regards to social trading. Almost immediately a number of successful Binary Option Signal Providers popped up on ZuluTrade offering signals for those looking to engage in Binary copy trading At the time of writing it appeared that the vast majority of signal providers were providing signals using demo accounts and the top ranked signal provider on ZuluTrade had 0 Live Followers It remains to be seen how successful the Binary Options product from ZuluTrade will be both with brokers and traders alike. is a Binary Options Social Trading network which was in public BETA at the time of writing The network allows traders to share their Binary signals with other traders who then copy the trades into their own accounts at a number of supported brokerages Again the majority of supported brokerages appear to SpotOption, though from the forums it seems that the company is attempting to add a number of non SpotOption platforms to the network At the time of writing the network had under 2,000 users, with some of the better traders on the leader board posting reasonable returns over a relatively long term period It is not clear how the network is monetized though it appears that is remunerated based on business brought to the supported Binary Option brokers Again the, product is still in its infancy and it s hard to draw any solid conclusions at this time. Binary Options Social Copy trading is very much in it s infancy, and it is still not clear how Binary Option brokerages would deal with the r isks involved in having a huge number of traders enter into the similar positions should any Signal Providers gain a significant amount of notoriety It also remains to seen whether there is significant demand from traders for such products. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Binary Options Trading Criticism. However, there is one major advantage of trading Binary Options and that is you never have to actually purchase the shares, commodities or currencies that you will be hoping increase or decrease in value during any given time period With this in mind we have put together the most comprehensive Binary Options trading guides found anywhere online, and via a step by step range of guides we will explain how you can be online and trading Binary Options in no time Binary Options Trading Criticism Binary Stock Options Broke Despite the growing popularity of binary options trading, criticism is strong Some compare it to said schemes Opponents of this phenomenon claim that it could After receiving so many complaints, we have no doubt that Gemini 2 is a worthless SCAM The reason why these types of financial trades have become so hugely popular is that traders have to make just one of two possible decisions when placing them, that being yes or no decision which in Binary Options trading are known as Put or Call trades There is now a brand new way that you can make some significant amounts of money through stocks and shares, currencies and also commodities such as Gold and Silver, and this is by trading Binary Options online. One major advantage of placing Binary Options trades is that you will find a range of different expiry times are available which can be as short as just 60 seconds or as long as one month The best binary options brokers of 2016 The emergence of new trading platforms or binary options brokers has been a great, as there are currently over 400 Binary Options Trading Criticism Stock Exchange Rate Of Bhutan It does not happen in the binary options market, or the Forex one for that matter Why would he need to be trading with the Gemini 2 auto trader, when he Learn more how binary options trading is regulated in your country and what are your That Druker went even one step further in his criticism Additionally if you try to find the company through any search engine, you will come up completely empty Despite the growing popularity of binary options trading, criticism is strong Some compare it to said schemes Opponents of this phenomenon claim that it could If trading Binary Options online has sparked an interest in you then it can be, at first, a rather confusing way of making money, however once you have mastered the way Binary Options work, which will only take an hour or so, you will be able to master trading them and with a bit of skill you could make continuous profits We invite you to have a look through each of the following guides, for when you do you will probably wish to start trading yourself. Brandon Lewis is the person claiming to be the owner and CEO of Gemini Holdings and the one offering you the opportunity in a lifetime, and that is become part of his new 50 beta testers before he releases the Gemini 2 scam to the public in 2018 Binary Options Trading Criticism It will then come as no surprise to you that Brandon does not Price Changes Forex Trade System It does not happen in the binary options market, or the Forex one for that matter Why would he need to be trading with the Gemini 2 auto trader, when he The fact that you can lose the total amount is also the main criticism against trading with Binary Options Also, the fact that the return is below 100 implies that Binary Options Winning Strategies For Roulette Despite the growing popularity of binary options trading, criticism is strong Some compare it to said schemes Opponents of this phenomenon claim that it could The thing is, there is no company by the name of Gemini Holdings, it does not exist, there is no licence for it, and neither a trusted website There i s no requirement to actually purchase for example gold bullion if you wish to place a Binary Options trade on the value of gold, you simply need to decide whether the value of gold will rise in value or fall in value over any given time period If you are new to the world of Binary Options trading then below is our 10 step guide infographic which will enlighten you on all there is to know about placing Binary Options trades at any of our featured Brokers Binary Options Trading Criticism Multi Options Trading Fze Rug We are more than confident that once you read through the following guide you will be then able to place a large and very varied range of Binary Options trades online either via a no risk demo trading account or as a real money trader Binary Options Trading Criticism Before falling for the promises made by Brandon during his Gemini 2 auto trader presentation, be sure to read this review as we will be exposing all the horrible facts concerning the Gemini2website Read what cri ticism is FCA facing and how it could affect binary traders and binary brokers who want to file a complaint or become regulated This however is the first piece of information that we will expose. Binary Options are a way that anyone can profit from the movement in value of a large and dynamic range of commodities, assets, stocks and shares or even Forex Binary Options Trading Criticism If you try to find any info on his profile anywhere on the web, you will see you come up completely empty, meaning there is no background to the Gemini 2 software prior to this The Position On Forex Can Be Long Open Brandon Lewis claims to be the CEO and owner of a company by the name of Gemini Holdings, where he and his associates operate the Gemini 2 software from Online Stock Market Watch Sierra Leone It is stated that the Gemini 2 software works with some great algorithm created by Brandon Lewis whilst he still worked for google. Post navigation. Recent Posts. Original text. Welcome All Binary Option Trad ers. Hi everyone my name is Ken Davis And this is my personal binary options review site. I am not a paid affiliate I do not work for any trading platform so please understand this Contact me only if you want to discuss strategies to trade or real un-biased recommendations of brokers out there. Do not contact me for affiliation or paid advertising, trust me, I do not need the extra money I simply wanted to put this site out there as from experience I know how much help a site like this could be to someone fresh starting out in the Binary trading field. I am a 44 year old trader who grew up in North West London England in the 70 s and 80 s My place of birth was Chase Farm Hospital in Enfield As a youngster growing up I was more concerned with mechanic and Lego building than that of the financial markets or mathematics In fact after several years of model building and frustrating the family with multiple puzzles and pieces of model work strewn throughout the home, it was prophesied that I wo uld become a mechanical engineer As it turns out, I never did continue with the building work in the physical sense, mathematically and financially wise it is a different story. Recently I have received a lot of emails asking my opinion about the best binary options platform to trade with Based on my years of experience with financial trading, I have decided to compare a few different platforms offered by the top technology providers. I have compared these platforms according to the 6 most important factors when choosing a trading platform pricing execution and transparency payouts use and navigation, features and assets. Check out the comparison I made. Throughout the early 1990 s I worked as an asset manager for one of the largest financial organizations at the time Deutsche Bank I still remember the original job interview clearly, there I was, full of ambitions, dreams and a face of spots, attempting to convince the piece of non moving stone in front of me why I was going to be a killer The guy was a gargoyle and refused to show even a hint of a smile or emotion I am pretty sure the job was going to go to some over educated prick with more experience than me, so I decided to take a chance I remember clearly making the following statement to he who must not be named I don t care if you like me or not, if you think I am capable or not, or even if you like the look of my face The reason I am here is simple I am here to destroy whoever you have on your sales floor and to break records If you can t see that or open the door enough to give me a chance go and cram the job up your ass because you don t deserve me Seriously almost word for word that was what was said At first I thought he was going to reach forward and smack my head in, what I got in return was such a surprise I think I had half a stroke If you ever speak to me like that again I ll bury you, silly arrogant little shit However, if you can bring that fire everyday, sell, fluff and close the clients daily then t he job is yours, along with X salary per month with benefits etc etc True Story. To friends family and most importantly my Tailor father, I could never really explain why the financial markets appealed to me in such a strong fashion The lure of gains, risks to be taken, fast cars, fast women, parties and events, plus physically trading, wagering actual money that wasn t my own, based just on feeling or basic data alone was probably the bulk of it, it still gives me shivers. Once I had started as a junior account manager there was no looking back for me For almost eight years I toiled away, through asset management, derivatives, CFD s and precious metal longer term trades The key was building up enough liquidity in my own bank to stop working on behalf of others being paid with commission and to actually take the next step into trading for myself. It was never my knowledge that kept the clients coming strong and the cash flowing, I always knew it was my attitude Throughout my time working there and even now I am known to be a cold, blunt and rude bastard A true sales killer with a lust for blood and spoils The best feelings I have ever had have always come from closing deals or taking huge sums of money from risky as hell trades Personally I think I would like myself if I met myself I know terrible thing to say but true Why you ask Simple There is no bullshit with me I won t stand by it, I don t need it and I have always had the ability to see through the lies and bullshit of others Therefore making me a true force to be dealt with, especially when managing accounts or simply trading on my own. So, you must have had a lonely life you may be thinking Well, to some respects that is true, there have been plenty of companionable people and beautiful women along the way But you know what they say, with enough money, anything is possible As crude as that sounds, I still believe it to be true with every fiber of my being Commitment to anything outside of trading has always been one of my largest weaknesses. Anyway, to cut a long story short, after spending all that time asset managing , trading and taking care of others I entered into the FX spot markets just before the millennium year 2000 Right up until 2005 I was killing it I mean really killing it. The mountain ranges of spot Forex prices became clear in my eyes, instinctive prediction of price movements allowed me to trade whenever the feeling was right Not to mention the development, testing and implication of advanced strategies and basic bot trader programs, all allowing me to achieve massively high levels of profit and return in extremely small amounts of time Past that I think I smoked my way through enough green to make old Bob Marley himself proud, along with the kind investment paid to Johnny Walker and his black label on many an evening and night out Essentially I was a fast paced, smooth lady killer, profitable trader, with all the toys and material items you can imagine, living the lifestyle th at you the young experienced trader have always wished for. After the rock and roll years I did start to calm down ever so slightly After all what good is all that cash if you are not alive to spend it Anyway, a total of five years hardcore trading and living had earnt me just under 6,000,000 clean and clear Including the management fee s gained through the managed funds, along with about 70 of it coming direct from my short term spot trading. I was the proud owner of cars, motorbikes, a seaside residence in Brighton and a small villa in Marbella Spain Unfortunately after the run I had, sitting and relaxing or even just stopping to enjoy it all was almost impossible and physically torture to me Don t get me wrong, the fine wine and beautiful cigars and company did make me happy and feel very entertained on a regular basis. So, as the story goes, I got back out there Fired up the email contact book and started to network once more I traveled, and stopped along the way, in various cities an d countries that rich wealthy traders and wannabes go to and frequent Berlin, Zurich, Amsterdam and Paris to name a few I met and lunched with some of the biggest fund managers out there that I could find, along with getting introduced to all sorts of platform owners, banking and tax specialists yes you will need those soon and outright wannabes looking to enter the field The human sponge is how I would advocate myself. After a while I realized that Life in the UK was not making me happy It may have come down to a broken relationship or two, along with a few fights and muggings coming out of the city late at night Maybe it was just time Either way I had some great friends out in the big apple, and decided if I was to go anywhere that is where I should be After all, the beaches and relaxing places were seriously just not ever going to satisfy me full time. My First Taste of Binary Options. Binary Options appeared on the scene late in 2007 and seriously burst into volcanic life come early 2 008 I was amazed when I saw them, truly I had this feeling that either it was too damn easy or I was seriously an idiot not able to understand what the hell these Binary Options were all about Fast forwards a few years and here I am, a self proclaimed Specialist on Binary Option trading. Just so you know, starting out I had my fair share of problems as is always expected when you first try to trade a particular product, regardless of previous experience trade results Pitfalls, losses and dramas not to mention withdrawal nightmares all happened rather too frequently for my liking All of which, as I am a very organised bastard, led to me creating a vast database of knowledge for myself and my personal trading. From personal reviews dissection on the platforms I liked or tested, along with being treated fairly at, to those who if given half a chance I would throw a few grenades at without batting an eye lid told you I was a bastard , essentially I tried to dabble, taste and test them all. In total I believe that not only did I manage to test the leading 10 platforms out there fully under various aliases, my belief is that I really do have very useful insight and experience when it comes to this new field of training. This really brings me to the actual point of creating a site that most likely will not be famous or known throughout the world just the way I want it Nothing like an underground, slightly unknown site to brighten a traders day My view in life and trading is very simple Minus out all the big talk, the ego and bravado I truly believe in one term and I try to live my life by it Paying It Forward. Karma is a bitch unless you treat her fairly and justly With all the drama, ups and downs and so on that have happened in my life, I am a firm believer of passing on knowledge that can help others In this case I hope to help all other fellow traders out there My hope is that if you are still here reading this, that you would be of the same or similar nature. Why create thi s site at all. This website I have created with the intention to share my experience in the Binary Options market and of my trading on the many various Binary Option trading platforms, along with of course trading in general. For over 15 years I have been trading various financial markets Initially as a stock and precious metals trader, until I made the shift to Currency trading, shortly after my immigration to the states back in 2006.I had some good and bad moments over the years, especially in the spot currency market My eureka moment happened one evening when I was finally willing to accept that the success of my trading depended more on my psychological condition and less on the condition of the market. Like many others I started to seek other methods of trading What I felt I needed was a tool that could eliminate my emotional faults or at least minimize the adverse affects of them That was just at the same time Binary Options trading and the new range of Binary Option trading platfor ms were starting to get big and where I stepped into the game. Understanding Binary Options. It took me no time at all to understand the concept of binary trading, after all making a call or put doesn t exactly take too much thinking, I am certain that if I asked any of you if you felt the EUR USD was going up or down within 30 seconds you would shout me an answer right The simplicity of actually placing a trade, the way expiry is settled and the overall agreeableness of the total risk exposure potential profit in my eyes make Binary Options realistically the only worthwhile way to trade in today s volatile and restless market Unfortunately for me, even though I did enjoy almost instant successful trades with my binary trading, it was a few months until I finally managed to keep stable results on my accounts, and even a few more months after that until I started to actually take some serious money. You see the thing is guys, I want to be rich Not wealthy, not well off, but absolutely mass ively stinking rich Richer than I am now I m talking 500M plus that s what I want and what I am after. The plan of course is to accomplish this through financial trading only Office jobs and working as a wage slave is something I just cannot do This brings me to my hopes in terms of what the site itself may accomplish Simple Nothing wrong in life with helping others and paying it forward , essentially letting all of you know what my opinion is on certain online platforms and yes I have tried and will continue to keep active on all of them. Aside from letting you all know my opinion and thoughts and personal experience along the way, my hope is that I could perhaps set up my own Binary platform or perhaps private hedge fund in a big way After all, who better to own and run a Binary Options Platform or Managed fund, than someone who has actually been a trader and knows what the real traders want and need. I hope that you can learn and enjoy from my personal experience, not to mention saving some money on trading tuition fees for all those who enjoy wasting money on expensive courses I will dare to put my neck on the line and actually promise you the following if I, a complete hooligan money hungry barely educated fool, could become a good trader, and I mean really a GREAT trader actually in profit with a lifestyle to match any crib on MTV , then truly anyone can including you. However, to find true success, one must master a few key elements that I am going to share with you Please take some time to read through and attempt to grasp my ideas They may contradict some or even all of the ideas you have previously learnt Refer back to my site once in a while when you can, write to me when you can if you make any progress or have any questions There are many many many more talented and smarter individuals than myself out there, but then again I am richer than most of them The beautiful thing about this life is that a problem shared is a problem halved, therefore advice critici sm tips and more will always be appreciated by me and please feel free everyone to contact me directly anytime yes I am a real live human being wanting to talk to you. Don t lose your day job. I say this partially as a joke because if and when the big money starts coming I think most of us would quit the job immediately and start booking flights The problem with trading The emotional rush, the physical and mental strain on you, friends, family, kids etc , the lack of sleep, the restlessness and of course let s not forget the biggest danger ALL THE MONEY Now I will keep this point very simple and forgive me if my blunt way of explaining makes the hair stand up on the back of your neck but, the truth is, when we trade we are taking a risk We are choosing to risk our money Some people were not made to trade Some people are INCAPABLE of taking a loss and stopping I say this with love but seriously, if you are a gambler or someone who has serious troubles taking care of their money, do yourse lf, your family and loved ones and anyone connected to you a favour DO NOT TRADE In life we only learn from our mistakes This is especially true with trading To be successful in trading you must be able to take a loss on the chin, suck it up and improve or at least work out why you lost so you can learn for the next time If the aim is to stop working full time and be like me great The road is not super long but it has it s dangers Keep the job for now, set a target amount of liquid cash that you want to achieve and then run at it If you get there, quit the job and live out the fantasy maybe buy me a beer also Or a bottle of good old malt. Let us assume that you meet the potential love of your life Now what good would it be if you meet her 2 years earlier or a day late I view the market in the same manner and consider timing to be the most critical element for success Think about it this way, same as you wouldn t throw your body into the ocean before making a few hesitant steps in it, yo u should never begin trading before getting a feel of the market conditions What I mean by conditions is one of two scenarios.1 Choppy market a market that moves both up and down relatively fast.2 Wavy market same as it sounds, a market that moves in patterns of waves. Anything else than this such as chart patterns, indicators, pivots, Fibonacci, Gann, Elliot are all things that have no use to us here They may have been popular and perhaps still work from time to time with big fund managers or hero traders like Warren Buffet but for short term trading, especially binary trading they have no use to us at all when it comes to making a trade that is. How many times have you heard the phrase the trend is your friend How many times have you found yourself thinking that the market price just HAS to go the other way to reverse it s movement as it is too high or too low This style of thinking is a TRAP It is the sick part of the sub conscious that play s with the pair of balls you need to physic ally trust your instincts So what to do Easy, look at Binary trading for what it is, a simple, mathematical problem Want my advice when wanting to find the trend Look at the time frames you are dealing with For me, I love the hourly Binary trades For others it will be different but lets focus on the hourly for now If I sign in and look at the chart how do I find the trend Easy, I look at the previous hours of movement and I ask myself just one key question Do I feel the price of the asset has been moving up Or do I feel it has been moving down. Once you have a feel of the trend and are coming to making a decision or a trade itself Simple personal, bankroll and time management will help you to achieve a greater success on the trades you place Again feel free to contact me personally to talk about strategy and placing of trades If there is one thing I love to do it has to be talking and sharing trading strategies and ideas with like minded individuals. My personal view of trading Victory L oves Preparation.33 Direction Assessment Finding the trend direction 33 Risk management Deciding on trade amounts and level of bankroll 33 Trading strategy Frequency of trades, assets traded and placement 1 Luck Never hunt for her, but lady luck can and will help. Elimination of psychological pitfalls. So guys, if you are still with me well done we are almost ready to move on Just before we do let s lay some very simple ground rules in preparation against our own psychological pitfalls. Firstly, Decide how much money you can afford to trade This does not mean work out from a total of liquid cash what you want to start an account with I am asking you to decide and work out exactly how much money you have access to, that you can actually trade with For some this will be a few hundred For others a few thousand For a small percentage this will be much more. Second, find a safe place for the money Is the platform trustworthy Has it got good reviews Does it have a license Regulation Segregated b ank accounts Do they trap you with automatic cash bonuses Do you have the ability to withdraw Do they have the right assets for you to trade Are the payout percentages worthwhile to trade on All these questions and more will need to be answered if you are going to have a good experience Best advice from me DO THE RESEARCH. Google is a tool that is rarely used to it s fullest, forums and chat sites can be good also Beware of the forum site that is actually a paid portal sending traffic to certain platforms, the vies are almost always biased and based solely on how much the platform pays to the operator of the site Lastly, every platform uses live chat Click and talk to them, ask them the questions you want answered, find the place that will take good care of you and make you happy, deposit an amount that can last you as long as possible considering there may be losses or some time until great results are regularly happening and remember that the more you deposit, the more bonus money you can get from these platforms. Send me an email directly to talk about anything in regards to trading or the platforms out there or even future business requests plans advice etc Most of all thank you so very much for coming here and reading, and of course the very very best of luck out there.
